Part 3b - More Niagara-on-the-Lake

July 1st was Canada Day, a day when everyone wears red and someone bakes a giant cake that feeds 1,000 people.

Despite its size, I never even got offered a slice

Other than that, it just seemed like an excuse to sit about in the sunshine and drink beer (I guess that's why so many countries celebrate their national day when the weather's nice). However, I did eat a tasty hot-dog and visit the local British Legion where the round was cheaper than buying it in the supermarket, so it wasn't all doom and gloom.  

The Royal British Legion. Banging.

During my time here, I also took part in a pub quiz (aka trivia night) and take part in another "local" parkrun (45 mins away). Two activities I definitely didn't need to leave Scotland for. The quiz was an odd affair where every single question was "name that tune", and we came dead last after a last-gasp gamble of all our points.

The parkrun was along the shore of Lake Ontario in Hamilton, and a tad bit warmer than the parkrun beside Strathclyde Loch in the other Hamilton. 

Anyway, that's me done for Canada for now. I'm currently writing this in Hamilton airport, wondering whether I think this is a good idea or not. Next stop Las Vegas baby!


Anonymous said…
Hey! This is Eleany. We met on the bus! Im the girl from Mexico! I’ve been checking your blog, and I never saw my photo!! Haha anyway. My husband and I are going to Scotland in March/April I wanted to ask if you have any recommendations
I don’t know why it’s not letting me log on to my Google account and it’s just letting me post to as Anonymous.
Richie said…
Hi Eleany! Nice to hear from you :) ... the reason your photo never made it was because I looked like I had something wrong with me in the picture! Send me an email to and I'll let you see it and give you my recommendations!