July 1st was Canada Day, a day when everyone wears red and someone bakes a giant cake that feeds 1,000 people.
Despite its size, I never even got offered a slice |
The Royal British Legion. Banging.
During my time here, I also took part in a pub quiz (aka trivia night) and
take part in another "local" parkrun (45 mins away). Two activities I
definitely didn't need to leave Scotland for. The quiz was an odd affair where
every single question was "name that tune", and we came dead last after a
last-gasp gamble of all our points.
The parkrun was
along the shore of Lake Ontario in Hamilton, and a tad bit warmer than the
parkrun beside Strathclyde Loch in the other Hamilton.
Anyway, that's me done for Canada for now. I'm currently writing this in Hamilton airport, wondering whether I think this is a good idea or not. Next stop Las Vegas baby!
I don’t know why it’s not letting me log on to my Google account and it’s just letting me post to as Anonymous.